Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated you on my season, life has been crazy. I've raced 2 major races since I last emailed you. The races were Twenty twelve talent ID search, at College nationals. At twenty Twelve I was not prepared for the 53 degree water or the start which was nothing I was used to as it was my first ITU style race. Swim went fine, though it should have been better seeing as I was in better shape than how I did, the shock of the cold water screwed with my breathing and the water in my goggles affected my sitting, I guess every race is a learning experience. I will be better prepared next time having now swum in that freezing water. Next came the bike where I've developed as my strong suit to pair with my run and compensate for my swim times. Well not always can you be ready for a mechanical problem. My front derailleur hanger slipped down on my first shift for the set of hills on the start of the lap. The slip caused me to be unable to get into my big ring and really do damage to the other riders and make a move towards the front pack. I still rode decent, but not nearly to my potential having no real power. My run really suffered because of the stress I put on my legs to ride and spin faster than I was able to. I finished around the middle of the pack and was happy to get a first ITU race out of the way. Next time...oh I can't wait till next time!


The following weekend was Duathlon Nationals. With a challenging course and a sweltering heat many of the racers defeated themselves before the gun went off. Having raced in 100 degree heat before I knew what to expect and how to prepare. The first run went very well, I settled in with a guy in the age group up from me and we ran together the whole way. I could have run faster but knew that if I went too hard too early I would blow up before the finish like many of the other athletes did. I came into transition in around a 33:30 and quickly got on the bike and started Rollin. The 3 lap course was clogged with racers that had an earlier start time abut I wove my way around them and found my way to the front of the groups. I brought back several guys in my wave and just kept hammering. On the 2nd lap I ran low on water and by the third I was out completely. Not wanting to risk dehydrating and DNF-ing I brought back my pace to slightly above tempo and just held off those who I had passed. The heat on the start of the second run was in full swing and there was no shade to hide from it. I just gutted it out and tried to keep my mouth wet at the aide stations and pace high for a strong finish. I came across the line thrilled to be done and be able to get out of the sun and into a tent to ice myself and cool down. Once cool, I collected my finishers’ pint glass and got some food and a beer. Found out where I placed (3rd AG, 13th OA) and celebrated with friends. 

Thanks everybody